Updated 1 day ago
- Age: 41 years
- ID: 29228289/98
Weinerpark 17, 48607 Ochtrup
Today, Kockmann GmbH operates several recycling facilities authorised under the German Federal Immission Control Act on an area of around 150,000 m²...
Since 2006, Kockmann GmbH has been supporting the municipalities of Ochtrup and Metelen as a collection centre for waste electrical and electronic equipment...
Initially founded in 1984 as a container service, the consistent expansion of the business fields and the constant expansion as a waste disposal and recycling company led to the first relocation of Kockmann GmbH to the "Ochtrup Ost" industrial estate in 1996.
Also known as: Kockmann
Registration numbers: HRB 1713 (W)
VAT numbers: DE124392824