2025-01-20 update person_title Derrick Chan: Managing Director, Hong Kong SAR & China / Acting Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team => Managing Director, Hong Kong SAR & China / Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team
2024-12-20 insert career_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthtech.com
2024-12-20 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthtech.com
2024-12-20 insert service_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthtech.com
2024-12-20 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthtech.com
2024-10-18 delete person Dr. Walter Lim
2024-09-17 delete career_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-09-17 delete service_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-09-17 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-09-17 update person_description Mr. Ho Kuen Loon => Mr Ho Kuen
2024-09-17 update person_title Derrick Chan: Managing Director, Hong Kong SAR & China; Member of the Management Team => Managing Director, Hong Kong SAR & China / Acting Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team
2024-09-17 update person_title Dr. Walter Lim: Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team => Member of the Management Team
2024-09-17 update person_title Sean Ho: Managing Director, Malaysia, Vietnam & Cambodia / Managing Director, Enterprise Digital Solutions; Member of the Management Team => Managing Director, Malaysia, Vietnam & Cambodia / Managing Director, Enterprise Digital Solutions / Managing Director, Fullerton Health Tech; Member of the Management Team
2024-09-17 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2024-07-17 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2024-06-13 delete chairman Michael Lim
2024-06-13 delete otherexecutives Michael Lim
2024-06-13 insert chairman Richard Ong
2024-06-13 delete address COVID-19 Vaccination Centre COVID-19 Testing COVID-19 Express PCR Test
2024-06-13 delete person Laurene Kwek
2024-06-13 delete person Michael Lim
2024-06-13 insert career_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-06-13 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-06-13 insert service_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-06-13 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain livefuller.app
2024-06-13 update person_description Jeremy Matti => Jeremy Matti
2024-06-13 update person_title Jeremy Matti: Member of the Management Team => Founding Member; Member of the Management Team
2024-06-13 update person_title Richard Ong: Non - Executive Director; Member of the Board of Directors => Non - Executive Director; Chairman; Member of the Board of Directors
2024-03-16 delete address District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
2024-03-16 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2024-03-16 insert about_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-16 insert address 1st floor, L'Mak Building, 127 Hong Ha, Ward 09, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2024-03-16 insert alias Fullerton Health Indonesia
2024-03-16 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2024-03-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-16 insert management_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2024-03-16 insert management_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-16 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2024-03-16 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain instagram.com
2024-03-16 update person_description Jeremy Matti => Jeremy Matti
2024-03-16 update person_title Jeremy Matti: President, Philippines; Founding Member; Member of the Management Team => Member of the Management Team
2024-03-16 update person_title Laurene Kwek: Managing Director, Specialist Division / Managing Director, Group Strategic Projects; Member of the Management Team => Managing Director, Group Strategic Projects; Member of the Management Team
2023-09-28 delete about_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-09-28 delete about_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-09-28 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 delete index_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 delete management_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 delete service_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-09-28 delete service_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-09-28 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-09-28 insert about_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-09-28 insert address COVID-19 Vaccination Centre COVID-19 Testing COVID-19 Express PCR Test
2023-09-28 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-09-28 insert index_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-09-28 insert management_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-09-28 insert service_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-09-28 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehab.com.sg
2023-08-25 delete index_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-08-25 delete management_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 delete chieflegalofficer Ng Chong Jin
2023-07-23 delete coo Margareta Laminto
2023-07-23 delete founder David Sin
2023-07-23 delete founder Dr. Daniel Chan
2023-07-23 delete founder Dr. Michael Tan
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives CP Tei
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives David Sin
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives Dr. Daniel Chan
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives Dr. Liu Dong
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives Dr. Michael Tan
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives Edwin Basuki
2023-07-23 delete otherexecutives Tan Chia Min
2023-07-23 insert chro Wendy Lim
2023-07-23 insert coo Wendy Lim
2023-07-23 insert feedback_emails fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert investorrelations_emails ir@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert otherexecutives ALEX YEUNG
2023-07-23 insert otherexecutives CHARLES ONG
2023-07-23 insert otherexecutives John Batchelor
2023-07-23 insert otherexecutives Kenneth Cheung
2023-07-23 insert otherexecutives VIVIAN LAM
2023-07-23 insert sales_emails sa..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 delete address 108 Robinson Road #09-00 Singapore 068900
2023-07-23 delete address Lower Ground Floor 183 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide South Australia 5006
2023-07-23 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.com.au
2023-07-23 delete person CP Tei
2023-07-23 delete person David Sin
2023-07-23 delete person Dr. Daniel Chan
2023-07-23 delete person Dr. Liu Dong
2023-07-23 delete person Dr. Michael Tan
2023-07-23 delete person Edwin Basuki
2023-07-23 delete person Emily Ho
2023-07-23 delete person Ho Whei Chern
2023-07-23 delete person Ng Chong Jin
2023-07-23 delete person Rachel Tan
2023-07-23 delete person Tan Chia Min
2023-07-23 delete phone +61 8 8368 9122
2023-07-23 delete phone +65-66725668
2023-07-23 delete source_ip
2023-07-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain avega.com.ph
2023-07-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 insert address 6 Raffles Boulevard #03-308 Marina Square Singapore 039594
2023-07-23 insert address District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
2023-07-23 insert alias Fullerton Health Corporation Limited
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain avega.com.ph
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain orchardheart.com
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2023-07-23 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-07-23 insert email as..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email co..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email eh..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email ir@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email pd..@fullertonhealth.com.sg
2023-07-23 insert email sa..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert email ta..@fullertonhealth.com
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain avega.com.ph
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain ihpmy.com
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain intellicare.net.ph
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain orchardheart.com
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2023-07-23 insert index_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain avega.com.ph
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain ihpmy.com
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain intellicare.net.ph
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain orchardheart.com
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2023-07-23 insert management_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-07-23 insert person ALEX YEUNG
2023-07-23 insert person Alain Durand
2023-07-23 insert person CHARLES ONG
2023-07-23 insert person Derrick Chan
2023-07-23 insert person Dr. Walter Lim
2023-07-23 insert person Jeremy Matti
2023-07-23 insert person John Batchelor
2023-07-23 insert person Kenneth Cheung
2023-07-23 insert person Laurene Kwek
2023-07-23 insert person Sean Ho
2023-07-23 insert person VIVIAN LAM
2023-07-23 insert person Wendy Lim
2023-07-23 insert phone +84 2439 386 130
2023-07-23 insert phone +84 2839 260 820 (Ext.0)
2023-07-23 insert source_ip
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain avega.com.ph
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain davidsonsilva.com.br
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain ihpmy.com
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain intellicare.net.ph
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain orchardheart.com
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2023-07-23 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2023-07-23 update person_title Margareta Laminto: Member of the MANAGEMENT TEAM; Group Chief Operating Officer => Group Chief Commercial Officer / Group Chief Sustainability Officer / Managing Director, RadLink; Member of the Management Team
2023-07-23 update primary_contact 108 Robinson Road #09-00 Singapore 068900 => 6 Raffles Boulevard #03-308 Marina Square Singapore 039594
2023-07-23 update robots_txt_status www.fullertonhealth.com: 404 => 200
2023-07-23 update website_status TemplateWebsite => OK
2021-12-12 update website_status OK => TemplateWebsite
2021-09-17 delete coo Lena Tsia
2021-09-17 delete person Lena Tsia
2021-07-16 insert otherexecutives CP Tei
2021-07-16 insert person CP Tei
2021-07-16 update person_title Alvin Lim: Member of the MANAGEMENT TEAM; Group Technology Director; Group Technology & IT Security Director => Member of the MANAGEMENT TEAM; Group Technology and Information Security Director
2021-06-13 delete feedback_emails fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete general_emails in..@fullertonhealth.com.au
2021-06-13 delete marketing_emails ma..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete otherexecutives Sherwin Loh
2021-06-13 delete sales_emails bu..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete email bu..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete email fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete email hk@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete email in..@fullertonhealth.com.au
2021-06-13 delete email ma..@fullertonhealth.com
2021-06-13 delete person Sherwin Loh
2021-06-13 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthchina.com
2021-06-13 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain ihpmy.com
2021-06-13 update person_description Dr. Teh Kok => Dr. Teh Kok
2021-04-19 delete person Eric Teo
2021-04-19 delete person Jeff Chen
2021-01-25 delete source_ip
2021-01-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.com.sg
2021-01-25 insert source_ip
2020-09-23 delete about_pages_linkeddomain mycossb.com
2020-09-23 delete person Leonard Ong
2020-09-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthchina.com
2020-09-23 insert about_pages_linkeddomain ihpmy.com
2020-09-23 update person_title Alvin Lim: Group Technology Director => Group Technology and IT Security Director
2020-09-23 update person_title Edwin Basuki: Executive Director; Group Chief Commercial Officer => Executive Director; Group Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Mergers and Acquisitions
2020-07-15 delete cfo Eric Teo
2020-07-15 insert sales_emails sa..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-07-15 delete email cl..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-07-15 delete email co..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-07-15 insert email as..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-07-15 insert email sa..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-07-15 update person_description Eric Teo => Eric Teo
2020-07-15 update person_title Eric Teo: Group Finance Director and Singapore Chief Financial Officer; Group Finance Director => Executive Vice President ( EVP; Executive Vice President, Group Operations & Strategic Projects
2020-05-15 insert otherexecutives Richard Ong
2020-05-15 insert person Richard Ong
2020-04-15 insert coo Lena Tsia
2020-04-15 insert person Emily Ho
2020-04-15 insert person Lena Tsia
2020-03-16 insert otherexecutives Tan Chia Min
2020-03-16 insert person Tan Chia Min
2020-02-15 delete alias Fullerton Health Australia Pty Limited
2020-01-10 delete ceo Dr. Michael Tan
2020-01-10 delete coo Ho Kuen
2020-01-10 insert ceo Ho Kuen
2020-01-10 insert founder Dr. Daniel Chan
2020-01-10 insert president Dr. Daniel Chan
2020-01-10 delete alias Fullerton Health Corporate Services (Aust) Pty Ltd
2020-01-10 insert email cl..@fullertonhealth.com
2020-01-10 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Executive Director; Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China => Executive Director; Co - Founder; President
2020-01-10 update person_title Dr. Michael Tan: Executive Director; Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Management Team => Executive Director; Co - Founder; Member of the Management Team
2020-01-10 update person_title Ho Kuen: Loon Group Chief Operating Officer; Group Chief Operating Officer => Loon Group Chief Executive Officer; Group Chief Executive Officer
2019-12-10 delete person Wendy Lim
2019-12-10 insert person Alvin Lim
2019-12-10 insert person Ho Whei Chern
2019-12-10 insert person Leonard Ong
2019-08-11 insert alias Fullerton Health Australia Pty Limited
2019-08-11 insert alias Fullerton Health Corporate Services (Aust) Pty Ltd
2019-07-11 delete person Dr. Samuel Chong
2019-06-11 delete person Jasmeet (Jasmine) Kaur
2019-05-11 insert cfo Eric Teo
2019-05-11 insert investorrelations_emails ir@fullertonhealth.com
2019-05-11 insert otherexecutives Dr. Daniel Chan
2019-05-11 insert otherexecutives Dr. Michael Tan
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain avegacare.com.ph
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain baselinegroup.com.au
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.com.au
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthmedicalcentres.com.au
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain global-assistance.net
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain globaldoctors.asia
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain hmmp.com.hk
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain intellicare.net.ph
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain medisol-solution.com
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain mycossb.com
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain tirta.co.id
2019-05-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2019-05-11 insert alias Fullerton Health Indonesia
2019-05-11 insert email ir@fullertonhealth.com
2019-05-11 update person_description Edwin Basuki => Edwin Basuki
2019-05-11 update person_title David Sin: Chairman; Co - Founder; Group President => Executive Director; Chairman; Co - Founder; Group President; Deputy Chairman
2019-05-11 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China => Executive Director; Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China
2019-05-11 update person_title Dr. Michael Tan: Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer => Executive Director; Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Management Team
2019-05-11 update person_title Edwin Basuki: Non - Executive Director => Executive Director; Group Chief Commercial Officer
2019-05-11 update person_title Eric Teo: Group Finance Director and Singapore Chief Financial Officer => Group Finance Director and Singapore Chief Financial Officer; Group Finance Director
2019-05-11 update person_title Jasmeet (Jasmine) Kaur: Group Head of Communications => Group Head of Communications & Relations
2019-05-11 update person_title Ng Chong Jin: General Counsel => General Counsel; Group General Counsel
2019-04-10 delete cfo Eric Teo
2019-04-10 delete otherexecutives Dr. Daniel Chan
2019-04-10 delete otherexecutives Dr. Michael Tan
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain avegacare.com.ph
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain aventusmedical.com
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain baselinegroup.com.au
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain comfortambulance.com
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.com.au
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthmedicalcentres.com.au
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain global-assistance.net
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain globaldoctors.asia
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain hmmp.com.hk
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain intellicare.net.ph
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain medisol-solution.com
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain mycossb.com
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain radlink.com.sg
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain tirta.co.id
2019-04-10 delete about_pages_linkeddomain urbanrehabphysio.com
2019-04-10 delete alias Fullerton Health Indonesia
2019-04-10 update person_title David Sin: Executive Director; Chairman; Co - Founder; Group President; Deputy Chairman => Chairman; Co - Founder; Group President
2019-04-10 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Executive Director; Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China => Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China
2019-04-10 update person_title Dr. Michael Tan: Executive Director; Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Management Team => Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer
2019-04-10 update person_title Eric Teo: Group Finance Director and Singapore Chief Financial Officer; Group Finance Director => Group Finance Director and Singapore Chief Financial Officer
2019-04-10 update person_title Jasmeet (Jasmine) Kaur: Group Head of Communications & Relations => Group Head of Communications
2019-04-10 update person_title Ng Chong Jin: General Counsel; Group General Counsel => General Counsel
2019-03-10 delete otherexecutives Tam Chee Chong
2019-03-10 delete personal_emails ma..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2019-03-10 insert cfo Eric Teo
2019-03-10 delete email ma..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2019-03-10 delete person Tam Chee Chong
2019-03-10 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealth.co.id
2019-03-10 insert alias Fullerton Health Indonesia
2019-03-10 insert email dp..@fullertonhealth.com
2019-03-10 insert person Eric Teo
2019-03-10 insert person Jasmeet (Jasmine) Kaur
2019-03-10 insert person Jeff Chen
2019-03-10 insert person Wendy Lim
2019-02-05 delete source_ip
2019-02-05 insert source_ip
2018-05-19 delete chairman Michael Lim
2018-05-19 delete cio Ted Minkinow
2018-05-19 delete coo Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran
2018-05-19 delete managingdirector Dr. Elton Ong
2018-05-19 delete managingdirector Roco Chiu
2018-05-19 delete managingdirector Steven Harvey
2018-05-19 delete otherexecutives Ted Minkinow
2018-05-19 insert ceo Tam Chee Chong
2018-05-19 insert chairman Tam Chee Chong
2018-05-19 insert chieflegalofficer Ng Chong Jin
2018-05-19 insert founder David Sin
2018-05-19 insert otherexecutives Dr. Liu Dong
2018-05-19 insert otherexecutives Dr. Michael Tan
2018-05-19 insert otherexecutives Michael Lim
2018-05-19 insert otherexecutives Tam Chee Chong
2018-05-19 delete person Dr. Elton Ong
2018-05-19 delete person Mario Babin
2018-05-19 delete person Roco Chiu
2018-05-19 delete person Royston Lek
2018-05-19 delete person Steven Harvey
2018-05-19 delete person Ted Minkinow
2018-05-19 insert person Dr. Liu Dong
2018-05-19 insert person Dr. Samuel Chong
2018-05-19 insert person Ng Chong Jin
2018-05-19 insert person Tam Chee Chong
2018-05-19 update person_description David Sin => David Sin
2018-05-19 update person_description Dr. Teh Kok => Dr. Teh Kok
2018-05-19 update person_description Michael Lim => Michael Lim
2018-05-19 update person_title David Sin: Director of the Board; Chief Executive Officer of SIN Capital Group; Deputy Chairman => Co - Founder and Chairman of Fullerton Health Foundation; Co - Founder, Group President, and Executive Deputy Chairman of the Board; Co - Founder; Group President
2018-05-19 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore; Co - Founder, Group Dy CEO, Executive Director and Regional MD - Singapore and Malaysia; Member of the Management Team => Co - Founder, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, President of Fullerton Health China, and Executive Director
2018-05-19 update person_title Dr. Michael Tan: Group Chief Executive Officer and an Executive Director; Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Management Team => Executive Director; Co - Founder; Group Chief Executive Officer; Member of the Management Team
2018-05-19 update person_title Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran: Chief Operating Officer; Group Chief Financial Officer; Member of the Management Team => Group Chief Investment Officer
2018-05-19 update person_title Michael Lim: Chairman, Independent Director of the Board; Fellow Chartered Accountant of Singapore; Chairman of the Board of Directors => Chairman, Independent Director of the Board; Non - Executive Chairman and an Independent Director; Member of the Board of Directors
2017-12-03 delete phone +65 6333 3636 (Ext. 1)
2017-12-03 insert phone +65 6333 3636 (Ext. 3)
2017-12-03 update person_description Robert Yap => Robert Yap
2017-07-28 insert managingdirector Dr. Elton Ong
2017-07-28 update person_title Dr. Elton Ong: Managing Director, Singapore; Managing Director, Clinical Services ( Singapore ) => Managing Director; Managing Director, Clinical Services ( Singapore )
2017-05-08 delete chro Audrey Chin
2017-05-08 delete otherexecutives Audrey Chin
2017-05-08 insert coo Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran
2017-05-08 delete person Audrey Chin
2017-05-08 delete person Royston Tan
2017-05-08 delete source_ip
2017-05-08 insert source_ip
2017-05-08 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Co - Founder and Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore & Malaysia; Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team => Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore; Co - Founder, Group Dy CEO, Executive Director and Regional MD - Singapore and Malaysia; Member of the Management Team
2017-05-08 update person_title Dr. Elton Ong: Managing Director for Singapore => Managing Director, Singapore; Managing Director, Clinical Services ( Singapore )
2017-05-08 update person_title Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran: Group Chief Financial Officer; Member of the Management Team => Chief Operating Officer; Group Chief Financial Officer; Member of the Management Team
2017-05-08 update person_title Royston Lek: Managing Director for RadLink => Managing Director for Singapore
2016-11-18 delete founder Dr. Daniel Chan
2016-11-18 insert chro Audrey Chin
2016-11-18 insert cio Ted Minkinow
2016-11-18 delete email he..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-11-18 update person_description Audrey Chin => Audrey Chin
2016-11-18 update person_description Dr. Daniel Chan => Dr. Daniel Chan
2016-11-18 update person_description Dr. Elton Ong => Dr. Elton Ong
2016-11-18 update person_description Dr. Michael Tan => Dr. Michael Tan
2016-11-18 update person_description Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran => Dr. Ramesh Rajentheran
2016-11-18 update person_description Mario Babin => Mario Babin
2016-11-18 update person_description Roco Chiu => Roco Chiu
2016-11-18 update person_description Royston Lek => Royston Lek
2016-11-18 update person_description Royston Tan => Royston Tan
2016-11-18 update person_description Steven William Harvey => Steven Harvey
2016-11-18 update person_description Ted Minkinow => Ted Minkinow
2016-11-18 update person_title Audrey Chin: Human Resources Officer; Group Chief => Human Resources Officer; Chief Human Resources Officer; Group Chief
2016-11-18 update person_title Dr. Daniel Chan: Co - Founder => Co - Founder and Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore & Malaysia; Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Singapore; Member of the Management Team
2016-11-18 update person_title Ted Minkinow: Information Officer; Group Chief => Chief Information Officer; Information Officer; Group Chief
2016-08-31 delete career_emails hr@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete feedback_emails fe..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete investorrelations_emails in..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 insert career_emails hr@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert feedback_emails fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert investorrelations_emails in..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 delete email co..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete email fe..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete email he..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete email hr@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 delete email in..@fullertonhealthcare.com
2016-08-31 insert email co..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert email fe..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert email he..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert email hr@fullertonhealth.com
2016-08-31 insert email in..@fullertonhealth.com
2016-06-21 delete source_ip
2016-06-21 insert source_ip
2016-02-16 delete source_ip
2016-02-16 insert source_ip
2016-01-11 delete about_pages_linkeddomain cairnshealth.com.au
2016-01-11 delete about_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2016-01-11 delete about_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2016-01-11 delete about_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2016-01-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain cairnshealth.com.au
2016-01-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2016-01-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2016-01-11 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2016-01-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain cairnshealth.com.au
2016-01-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2016-01-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2016-01-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2016-01-11 insert about_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthcare.com.au
2016-01-11 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthcare.com.au
2016-01-11 insert index_pages_linkeddomain fullertonhealthcare.com.au
2015-12-05 delete address 1 Scott's Road #17-08 Shaw Centre Singapore 228208
2015-12-05 delete fax +65 6737 7461
2015-12-05 delete phone +65 6735 0455
2015-10-07 insert address 1 Grange Road, #06-03, Orchard Building, Singapore 239693
2015-10-07 insert address 24 Raffles Place, Clifford Centre, #02-08, Singapore 048621
2015-10-07 insert address 290 Orchard Road, #08-08 Paragon Medical, Singapore 238859
2015-10-07 insert address 41 Science Park Road #01-15/16. The Gemini Science Park II, Singapore 117610
2015-10-07 insert address 438A Alexandra Road, B1-02 Alexandra Technopark (Blk A), Singapore 119967
2015-10-07 insert address 5 Tampines Central 6, Telepark #01-13, Singapore 529482
2015-10-07 insert address Block 503 Bishan Street 11,#01-464, Singapore 570503
2015-10-07 insert address Jurong Point Shopping Centre, Singapore 648886
2015-10-07 insert address RadLink PET and Cardiac Imaging Centre 290 Orchard Road, #08-06 Paragon Medical, Singapore 238859
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6255 6435
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6272 8778
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6358 2830
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6533 3860
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6738 1159
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6777 0663
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6785 5928
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6792 1170
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6836 1381
2015-10-07 insert fax +65 6836 8484
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6255 0201
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6255 7545
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6278 8088
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6532 5376
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6594 0660
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6737 3311
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6785 7515
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6792 6119
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6836 0808
2015-10-07 insert phone +65 6836 1318
2015-05-29 insert industry_tag investment
2015-04-18 delete phone +65 6535 7100
2015-04-18 delete phone +65 6790 8578
2015-04-18 insert phone +65 6672 5000
2015-04-18 insert phone +65 6790 8331
2015-03-05 insert address Ocean Financial Centre 10 Collyer Quay, #03-08 Ocean Financial Centre Singapore 049315
2015-01-28 delete phone +65 6491 1377
2015-01-28 delete phone +65 6737 1377
2015-01-28 delete phone +65 6836 5242
2015-01-28 insert phone +65 6664 3801
2015-01-28 insert phone +65 6664 3804
2015-01-28 insert phone +65 9740 2164
2015-01-28 insert phone +65 9835 2929
2014-12-16 insert about_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-12-16 insert about_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-12-16 insert about_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-12-16 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-12-16 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-12-16 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-12-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-12-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-12-16 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-11-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2014-11-15 insert about_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2014-11-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2014-11-15 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2014-11-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain csnet.com.au
2014-11-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain northcare.com.au
2014-11-15 insert phone +65 6491 1377
2014-10-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2014-10-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-10-15 delete index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2014-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain cairnshealth.com.au
2014-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain jobfit.com.au
2014-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain sp-con.hk
2014-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain the-hk.com
2014-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain tirta.co.id
2014-07-31 delete source_ip
2014-07-31 insert source_ip
2014-06-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2014-06-19 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com