Belinda Rodman

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Management
  • President / Chair - Fundraising & Marketing Committee, Finance & Governance Committee ) Board since 2018
Belinda has a Master's Degree and many years' experience in Human Resource Management, including previously as the Training & Development Manager at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne. \Belinda has been running her own consulting business for a number of years, as well as fulfilling a number of volunteer roles for SPCS, including Chair the Fundraising and Marketing Board Sub-Committee. She also represents SPCS as Governance Secretary on the core committee of Repower, a volunteer community organisation, which is working to make renewable energy initiatives accessible to everyone living on the Mornington Peninsula. LinkedIn profile

Elinor Graham

Job Titles:
  • Secretary / Fundraising & Marketing Committee ) Board since Feb 2023

Jeremy Maxwell - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Chief Executive Officer / Member of All Committees ) since Aug 2019
Jeremy has been the CEO of Southern Peninsula Community Support for over three years. Originally, he started work with SPCS as a consultant he was so impressed with the level of commitment by staff and volunteers to helping others that he stayed.

Marion van Rooden

Job Titles:
  • Rooden ( Chair - Projects Committee ) Board
Marion joined the Board in June 2021 after many years as a senior executive in the public sector in roles including economic development, child protection and the court system. Currently self employed she specialises in strategy, governance and program implementation. Marion has a Master's Degree and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Public Administration.

Martin McKinnon

Job Titles:
  • Fundraising & Marketing Committee ) Board since July 2022
After moving to Australia, Martin joined TAA and was eventually part of the senior team, which launched Australian Airlines. He created business product innovations including the (now Qantas) Clubs, Business Class and the strategic planning, design, and implementation of the Australia's first Frequent Flyer Program, now used by Qantas. Martin joined Mojo advertising and subsequently, became Managing Partner. He led the team that created the "I still call Australia Home' for Qantas and the ‘Jigsaw' campaign for Tourism Victoria. Martin was asked to join Qantas in 2003 as Head of Global Marketing. Martin joined the Publicis Group and was appointed Managing Partner of media company Zenith Optimedia. He has been a Board Member of Care Australia, Hawthorn Football Club, on the Advisory Board of Victoria University, is a Patron of the Education Foundation and advisor to the Emergency Services Foundation. LinkedIn profile

Rev Murray Morton AM

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Management
  • Vice President / Projects Committee ) Board since 1996
Murray has been a Reverend for over 50 years and believes the church cannot stand alone from the community but be a servant to the community. A number of years ago while Murray was working with Southern Peninsula Food For All, Habitat For Humanity and the NILS program there was an opportunity to bring these groups together which led to his involvement with SPCS as a Board member commencing about 26 years ago.

Samantha Wilson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Management
  • Treasurer / Chair - Finance & Governance Committee ) Board since 2020
Samantha has had a long career in both management accounting and banking credit risk. Samantha commenced her association with SPCS during 2019, providing her professional skills in a volunteer capacity. She was asked to join the Board that year as Treasurer, which she happily accepted. Her interests are varied, however, Samantha concentrates on the visual arts such as drawing and painting. LinkedIn profile

Tracey Byrne

Job Titles:
  • Board Staff Representative
Tracey has been the Family Support Service worker at SPCS since the program's inception in 2017. Tracey emigrated from the UK in 1987 and has lived on the Mornington Peninsula since. She has a long background in finances and bookkeeping, managing her husband's business in building and construction. Whilst studying BA Criminology at Monash in 2008, she volunteered at a local community support centre, which eventually led to the offer of paid casework positions. Tracey is passionate about supporting vulnerable families on the Southern Peninsula through practical targeted casework interventions that can improve and transform a family's ability to move beyond the barriers they often face.