Updated 33 days ago
Chase House, City Junction Business Park, Northern Cross, Malahide Road, Dublin 17, Ireland
ICIS Plant Energy with its Virtual Metering Technology allows for the unrivalled mapping and analysis of energy usage across the entire manufacturing process by applying our software framework to further drive Industry 4.0 and the IIOT revolution...
ICIS Virtual Metering Technology is the use of Automation and Process Control data to create a new energy metering device in the field were none exists. The technology provides an IIOT software solution for downstream measurement never before possible...
ICIS utilise the latest Microsoft .Net Frameworks and Web standards for visualisation and integration to native Automation platforms.
Also known as: ICIS Ltd., ICIS Software
Associated domains: icisplantenergy.com, icissoftware.com, virtualenergymeter.com, virtualmetering.com