Updated 2 days ago
We started CultureSonar to help grownups find cool music, film, TV, books, events, activities and other worthy things. There are lots of people who are as open as ever to new experiences, but whose lives are a bit more, well, complicated than before. Finding the time to wade through the tsunami of available content can be daunting. We can help you find the good stuff... Music is the heart of what we do. We dig into the stuff you grew up with - while also trying to look ahead. We're aiming for fresh takes on familiar things, and tips on emerging artists we think you'll enjoy. We particularly like "deep dives" that shed new light on well-traveled territory. Our "Deconstructing the Beatles" series (we started with the world's biggest band, naturally) will give you a sense of our geekish joy in the creative process. Another series, Wine & Vinyl, combines two passions in, we hope, an innovative way... All in all, we're totally making this up as we go along. Feel absolutely free to..
Also known as: CULTURESONAR, INC.