Updated 53 days ago
P.O.Box 1589 Florence,OR 97439
Western Lane Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization chartered for the purpose of receiving, administering and distributing charitable funds for the benefit of residents in western Lane County, Oregon. Resources come from individuals, businesses and other organizations. WLCF selects qualified recipients for funding, based on need, in the form of grants, scholarships and donations for specific projects. The area served by the Foundation is Florence, Mapleton, Dunes City and Deadwood, Oregon... The Foundation's mission is to improve life throughout Western Lane County by encouraging and maintaining philanthropic activity. WLCF focuses its giving in four major areas: culture, medicine and science, education, and social and civic services. WLCF also manages funds designated for use by other nonprofit organizations... As a privately supported philanthropic organization with 501(c)3 status, WLCF provides federal and state tax advantages to individual and corporate donors. The..
Also known as: Western Lane Community Foundation