MICHIGAN - History of Changes

2018-02-20 delete otherexecutives Brian R. Gutman
2018-02-20 insert coo Donnell Green
2018-02-20 update person_description Amber Arellano => Amber Arellano
2018-02-20 update person_title Amber Arellano: Executive Director; Founding Executive Director of the Education Trust - Midwest => Executive Director; Team Member
2018-02-20 update person_title Brian R. Gutman: Director of Public Engagement; Director => Director of External Relations; Team Member; Director of External Relations at the Education Trust - Midwest
2018-02-20 update person_title Donnell Green: Operations Manager for the Education Trust - Midwest; Operations Manager => Team Member; Director of Operations; Director of Operations for the Education Trust - Midwest
2018-01-05 insert person Mary Grech
2017-10-21 delete person Sunil Joy
2017-10-21 insert person Sara Brintnall
2017-09-09 delete person Jason Mancini
2017-09-09 delete person Suneet Bedi
2017-07-01 delete person A Moment
2017-05-14 update person_description Amber Arellano => Amber Arellano
2017-01-25 delete otherexecutives Donald Trump
2017-01-25 delete person Donald Trump
2017-01-25 insert person A Moment
2016-12-21 insert otherexecutives Donald Trump
2016-12-21 delete person John King
2016-12-21 delete person Mary Kay Murphy
2016-12-21 delete person Sonja Brookins Santelises
2016-12-21 insert person Donald Trump
2016-12-21 update person_description Cheryl Corpus => Cheryl Corpus
2016-12-21 update person_description Ed Trust => Ed Trust
2016-12-21 update person_title Cheryl Corpus: Coach With the Education Trust - Midwest 's Center for Excellence; School Coach for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning => Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Associate Director of the Education Trust - Midwest 's Center for Excellence
2016-12-21 update person_title Sunil Joy: Data and Policy Analyst at the Education Trust - Midwest; Senior Data and Policy Analyst => Assistant Director of Policy and Research at the Education Trust - Midwest; Assistant Director of Policy and Research
2016-10-20 update person_description Amber Arellano => Amber Arellano
2016-10-20 update person_title Amber Arellano: Executive Director; Executive Director of the Education Trust - Midwest => Executive Director; Founding Executive Director of the Education Trust - Midwest
2016-09-22 delete person Christy Retzlaff
2016-08-25 delete person Jacqueline Dannis
2016-07-28 delete person Jose Luis Orozco
2016-07-28 delete person Luisa Schumacher Resto