The Fairview Park Education Foundation is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves the community of Fairview Park, Ohio... Such special recognition provides current students of the Fairview Park City Schools an opportunity to understand the value of their education and the possibilities to which it may lead. The Hall of Fame inductees can provide inspiration to a new generation of students through their example. The Fairview High School Hall of Fame Committee is committed to perpetuating the Hall of Fame at Fairview High School and inducting extraordinary nominees for permanent remembrance... Taking over for Tom as the Chairperson of the Alumni Hall of Fame will be Hans Larsen. Hans graduated from Fairview High School in 1988 and was inducted into the Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame in 2011. Hans has been a member of the Hall of Fame Committee for a number of years now, serving as Treasurer for the past 2 years. We look forward to see where Hans and the committee take the Alumni..