Updated 64 days ago
Since the first description of ‘critical periods' in the 1930's, neuroscientists have sought methods to manipulate them for therapeutic benefit. The Dölen lab has made a series of discoveries, which indicate that psychedelics may be the long sought 'master key' for unlocking critical periods; furthermore, this property may explain the wide diversity of psychiatric applications for which psychedelics show therapeutic promise. Building on these insights, we seek to further delineate the mechanisms underlying the shared ability of psychedelics to reopen critical periods and expand the repertoire of clinical conditions they can be used to treat (PHATHOM Project). In a parallel, we have made significant progress towards developing Octopus chierchiae for use in laboratory research (Octopus project). By comparing solutions across human, mouse, and octopus nervous systems, we hope to better understand why critical periods exist, why they close, and why they can be reopened... The Dölen lab..