Updated 27 days ago
1000 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17103
World Trade Center Harrisburg is a non-profit organization that promotes international trade and connects clients in southcentral Pennsylvania to global opportunities. The organization delivers relevant educational programs, up-to-date trade information, practical trade assistance, and research and referral services to help companies compete and prosper in a global economy... The World Trade Center Harrisburg was started 25 years ago by area business leaders involved in global trade who wanted to create a forum for information and resource sharing and to educate other businesses about global opportunities by a network called SPIN, or Southcentral Pennsylvania International Network. Five years later in 1997 as a result of a strategic planning process and with support from community leaders, the organization had grown from a local volunteer organization to have a regional, eight county focus. In 2002, the organization invested in the initial down-payment for a World Trade Center license..