AC3E - History of Changes

2024-08-27 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2024-08-27 insert solution_pages_linkeddomain
2020-06-27 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2019-08-31 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2019-08-12 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2018-12-19 delete person Miguel Lopez
2018-12-19 insert person Javier Rosas
2018-12-19 insert person Miguel López
2018-12-19 insert person Víctor Santana
2018-04-22 insert person Leah Jamieson
2018-04-22 insert person Seth Hutchinson
2018-03-15 delete person Sergio Díaz
2018-03-15 insert person Cristóbal Badilla
2017-10-14 insert person Diego Godoy
2017-10-14 insert person Johannes Schwarzenberg
2017-06-23 update person_description Samir Kouro => Samir Kouro
2017-06-23 update person_title Samir Kouro: Principal Researcher at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic => Researcher at the UTFSM´S Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic
2017-05-09 delete address Francisco Salazar 1145, Temuco
2017-05-09 update primary_contact Francisco Salazar 1145, Temuco => null
2017-01-14 update description
2016-12-04 delete address ECCE 2016, in Milwaukee, United States
2016-11-06 insert address ECCE 2016, in Milwaukee, United States
2016-11-06 update person_description Samir Kouro => Samir Kouro
2016-11-06 update person_title Samir Kouro: null => Researcher of the UTFSM
2016-09-10 delete address Avda. España 1680, Oficina U400, Valparaíso, Chile
2016-09-10 insert person Rodrigo Lanas
2016-09-10 update person_description Fernando Auat => Fernando Auat
2016-09-10 update person_description Samir Kouro => Samir Kouro
2016-08-13 insert person Ganesan Rajaram
2016-08-13 insert person Kesheng Xu
2016-08-13 update person_title Pavel Prado: Electrical Systems; Personal Information => Personal Information
2016-05-20 insert ceo Jaime Arnaiz
2016-05-20 insert personal_emails
2016-05-20 insert email
2016-05-20 insert person Francisco Muñoz
2016-05-20 insert person Jaime Arnaiz
2016-05-20 insert person Mauricio Araya
2016-05-20 insert person Wael El-Deredy
2016-05-20 update description
2016-05-20 update person_title Claudia Musalem: Chief Operational Officer ( I ) => Operational Support Engineer
2016-05-20 update person_title Monina Vásquez: Chief Executive Officer ( I ) => Chief Operational Officer
2016-05-20 update person_title Pablo Lezana: Instrumentation; Personal Information => Electrical Systems; Personal Information
2016-05-20 update person_title Patricio Orio: Instrumentation; Tutor; Personal Information => Tutor; Personal Information
2016-05-20 update person_title Pavel Prado: Instrumentation; Personal Information => Electrical Systems; Personal Information
2016-02-10 insert person Julio Morales
2016-01-13 delete address Av. España 1680, Valparaíso
2016-01-13 insert address Francisco Salazar 1145, Temuco
2016-01-13 insert person Andrés Peters
2016-01-13 insert person Pavel Prado
2016-01-13 update person_title Erick Olivares: Instrumentation; Personal Information => Personal Information
2015-12-01 delete ceo Rossana Canessa
2015-12-01 delete personal_emails
2015-12-01 delete email
2015-12-01 delete person Rossana Canessa
2015-12-01 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert address Av. España 1680, Valparaíso
2015-12-01 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2015-12-01 update person_description Samir Kouro => Samir Kouro
2015-12-01 update person_title Claudia Musalem: Operational Support Engineer => Chief Operational Officer ( I )
2015-12-01 update person_title Monina Vásquez: Chief Operational Officer => Chief Executive Officer ( I )
2015-09-06 delete person Ana Llor
2015-09-06 insert person Erick Olivares
2015-09-06 update person_description Samir Kouro => Samir Kouro
2015-08-09 delete email
2015-08-09 insert email
2015-08-09 insert email
2015-08-09 insert person Ana Llor
2015-08-09 insert person Christian Rojas
2015-08-09 insert person Felipe Arrate
2015-08-09 insert person Francisco Vargas
2015-08-09 insert person Freddy Flores
2015-08-09 insert person Hugues Renaudineau
2015-08-09 insert person Jaime Ramírez
2015-08-09 insert person Lucio Salinas
2015-08-09 insert person Mamadou Gueye
2015-08-09 insert person Matías Jofré
2015-08-09 insert person Nicolás Carreño
2015-08-09 insert person Pablo Ríos
2015-08-09 insert person Rodrigo Carvajal
2015-08-09 insert person Valeria Fernández
2015-07-12 delete address Researcher promotes culture of prevention to improve health and safety of workers At the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, Valparaiso
2015-07-12 delete person Mauricio Espinoza
2015-07-12 insert person Miguel López
2015-06-13 insert address Researcher promotes culture of prevention to improve health and safety of workers At the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, Valparaiso
2015-06-13 insert person Mauricio Espinoza
2015-06-13 update person_description Juan Yuz => Juan Yuz