Updated 444 days ago
- Age: 68 years
- ID: 25578262/93
3630 Miriam Ave PO Box 757 Bismarck, ND 58502
Butler Machinery is proud to offer a variety of convenient financing options for your purchase of new or used equipment, work tools, parts or service. Let our experienced sales staff help you determine which type of financing will best suit your operation...
For over six decades, Butler Machinery Company has been committed to offering the best in equipment solutions and dealer support. Founded in 1955 in Fargo, North Dakota, Butler Machinery Company is a third-generation family-owned full-service equipment dealer in North Dakota, South Dakota and Clay County, Minnesota. Butler Ag Equipment, a division of Butler Machinery, provides agriculture equipment and service in the Dakotas as well as areas of Nebraska and Sidney, Montana.
Also known as: Butler Ag Equipment, Butler Machinery & Butler Ag, Butler Machinery Co., Butler Machinery Company
Associated domains: butler-machinery.org, butleragequipment.com, butlercat.com, butlercat.net, butlercat.org, butlermachinery.org, butlermachineryused.com