Updated 3 days ago
Jasmine Village c/o Juachon Organic Farm J.P Rizal Avenue Sampaloc Tanay Rizal 1980 Philippines
Our company has been a family owned and operated business for over 8 years. It all started in (UNTAET) United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor representative of Philippine Livelihood Training Project through PASC (Pilot Agricultural Services Center) Ecology Training hosted by Japan and Thailand contingent in UN (United Nation) 2000 were Mr. Norberto Juachon participated his active military career leads him to become one among the contingent of (UNTAET) United Nation Transitional Administration in East Timor. there mission is to conduct a peacekeeping Force in year 2000, as the representative of the Philippine Livelihood Training with the Timorese Rehabilitation Project through PASC (Pilot Agricultural Services Center. He is one among the representative to take up Agri-ecology Training Hosted by Japan/Thailand Contingent which introduces EM Effective Microorganism Technology in Agriculture founded by Dr. Teruo Higa... We are dedicated to serving our customer's needs,..