Updated 16 days ago
House of Commons, Westminster, SW1A 0AA
The APPG TB was founded by Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP (Conservative), Andrew George (Liberal Democrat), and Julie Morgan AM (Labour) following a parlaimentary trip to Kenya with RESULTS UK in 2005. The APPG worked closely with the APPGs on HIV and Malaria across the parliament and played a key role in securing pledges on the Global Fund in the 2010 manifestos...
The APPG focused on the Global Fund throughout much of the early part of the parliament and helped secure a £1bn pledge from the UK government in December 2013. Work on TB in the UK helped secure a new van for Find & Treat and the launch of the Collaborative TB Strategy for England in February 2015...
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB's mission is to accelerate progress towards ending the TB epidemic. We work primarily through the UK parliament to push the UK government to improve its policies on TB and devote more resources to tackling the epidemic.
Also known as: APPG, APPGs
Registration numbers: 2761858 (W), SC041481 (W)