Updated 18 days ago
23 Pennsylvania Avenue Newark, NJ 07114
In 2014, Link stepped boldly yet again and sought to convert to a public charter school. Granted approval on July 15th, Link Community Charter School is built on a strong legacy of social justice. Fifth graders joined the Link community in September 2015 thus launching our school growth and realizing our long-term desire to serve more students more deeply with a four-year middle school program. In September 2015 Link added the sixth grade, and began serving 288 students. In 2017 the school's charter was renewed and it allowed for the expansion to 320 students. The seed planted in 1969 has taken root and grown strong thus enabling Link to continue to build on our commitment to provide access to quality education for all youth... At Link, the work is hard but rewarding and it calls upon every member of our school community-students, parents, teachers, staff, trustees, community partners to give their very best. Together, the members of the Link community support growth-school growth and..