Updated 288 days ago
Newtown Primary School Clifton Road, Exeter, EX1 2BP
At Newtown we believe that being able to express yourself confidently and accurately is a key skill both as a pupil in school but also in terms of developing lifelong skills as an adult. Strong oracy skills enables access to the wider curriculum at a deep level. In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them... At Newtown our English curriculum promotes high standards of language and literacy by placing a strong emphasis on reading, writing an d oracy. Our intent is to inspire children to be curious, adventurous and independent learners. From the earliest point, all children are immersed in high quality literature and have daily opportunities to engage confidently in peer to peer discussion alongside adult-led talk. Children develop their love and passion for reading and writing as they journey through the school. Due to our high..
Also known as: Newtown Primary School Exeter
Registration numbers: 10098444 (W)