Gregory H. Irwin

Gregory Irwin has spent his entire life observing and analyzing how social, cultural and environmental influences impact the way people interact with each other and their environment. The knowledge gained from this effort has been instrumental in his success across a wide variety of jobs and industries over the past 30 years. His career started with the U.S. Air Force where he learned the value of creating and utilizing cross functional tiger teams to seek out and eliminate threats. His military service was followed by operations and information technology management jobs at Lockheed Martin and Alcoa. While there he was able to significantly impact each company's financial bottom line by leading his organizations in the identification and elimination of wasteful processes as well as the efficient and effective implementation of new technology. In the years leading up to 2008, Mr. Irwin held various sales, marketing and consulting management positions at Deloitte Consulting, Oracle Corporation, Info-Power International and Signum Group. His responsibilities during that time gave him ample opportunity to increase and refine his skills at enlightening, empowering and engaging his subordinates, peers and customers. Whether it was acting as the driving force in the development of new software, teaching individuals how to embrace and capitalize on the implementation of new processes or helping companies grow their sales he always made a difference. In 2008, he founded Transitional Initiatives so he could dedicate 100 percent of his time to helping individuals and organizations improve the way they think, act and achieve.

Shannon Randall

In addition to being a highly valued part-time member of the Transitional Initiatives team, Shannon provides coaching, mediation and educational services through her own company, Insight Life Consulting. Before launching her company, she spent 20 years working in hospitals, insurance companies, medical services organizations and with medical product distributors. Her responsibilities covered areas including direct medical care, case management, health improvement coaching and education, program management and industry support for medical product sales. Since 2007, Shannon has been entirely committed to coaching people to achieve a heightened level of awareness in self, increase their accountability and recognize their true potential. Her efforts in developing human capital and facilitating the creation of integrated and effective teams create happier and engaged workplaces, which lead to increases in productivity, creativity and profitability. She provides critical guidance and support for job benchmarking, candidate selection, development, retention, succession planning and conflict resolution. She also provides leadership coaching through a computer-based, realistic life simulation that assesses the skill level of up-and-coming or current managers and executives. She participates in the delivery of the simulation, provides participant coaching and assists in the creation of the candidate development plans. On occasion, Ms. Randall is engaged by recruiting agencies to assist them in finding the right people for the right job. She earned her bachelor's degree in nursing from Bowling Green State University. In addition, she holds a, coaching certification through the Coach for Life program in San Diego and, a Collaborative Mediator® Certification through Phoenix Strategies Incorporated. She completed an intensive six month skills improvement program with the Coach Training Alliance in Boulder, Colorado, and is accredited as a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst, Certified Professional Values Analyst, and Certified Trimetrix TM Analyst through Target Training International.