Updated 44 days ago
Nuclear radiation can be broadly classified into three categories. These three categories are labeled with the first three letters of the Greek alphabet: ά (alpha), β (beta) and γ (gamma). Alpha radiation consists of a stream of fast-moving helium nuclei (two protons and two neutrons). As such, an alpha particle is relatively heavy and carries two positive electrical charges. Beta radiation consists of fast-moving electrons or positron (an antimatter electron). A beta particle is much lighter than an alpha, and carries one unit of charge. Gamma radiation consists of photons, which are without mass and carry no charge. X-rays are also photons, but carry less energy than gammas. Some materials absorb beta rays. You can measure this absorption by fixing beta source and a radiation monitor so their positions do not change... It can damage cells and the DNA inside them through its ionizing effect. This effect happens when a high-energy carrying particle or photon removes an electron within..