Updated 4 days ago
P.O. Box 111867 Dubai, UAE
At the start of my career, in the 70s, I worked for a manufacturer of starches that serviced the textile industry in Bombay and all over India. The textile industry requires vast amounts of water for their processes and over the course of my first job I picked up an interest in the effluent treatment side of things, soon switching over to water treatment chemicals. I helped in the technical troubleshooting and marketing of ion exchange resins, activated carbon, and what was then the very beginnings of the widespread use of polyelectrolyte polymers for flocculation. While I worked in India I represented such technical leaders in the field as Dupont, Allied Colloids and Norit to the sugar, mining and several other industries all over the country... In the 80s I moved to the Middle East, handling the chemical cleaning, maintenance and troubleshooting of chilled water systems, boiler systems, cooling towers, industrial effluent treatment, and the ever present reverse osmosis desalination..
Also known as: Keshav