Updated 117 days ago
3077 NW 126th Ave Polk City, IA 50226
Rob and Molly, along with their two children, Allison and Andrew have been involved with raising and showing Boer goats since 2007. We offer Boer goats for sale in Iowa and surrounding states. We have for sale market wethers, breeding does and bucks in Iowa. Rob is currently serving as President of the Iowa Meat Goat Association. Rob also serves as a director on the Polk County Fairboard Association and is a trustee on the Iowa 4-H Foundation. Molly has the unofficial title of "The Goat Hoarder" at Wylde Green Acres. It is has been very hard for Molly to offer our Boer goats for sale. She likes to keep them all. Both Allison and Andrew are active in 4-H, and Allison is also very active in her FFA chapter. Allison has been showing Boer goats since she was nine and as achieved a great deal of success showing. At the 2012 Iowa State Fair, Allison won both the FFA Overall Grand Champion Breeding Doe, and FFA Overall Grand Champion Breeding Buck. Andrew is just getting started with his show..