Updated 7 days ago
21000 Southbank Street, Suite 106 #2055 Sterling, VA 20165
NGMA provides comprehensive full lifecycle grants management training, professional certification, continuing professional education, tools and resources, and a forum for networking with grants industry professionals. NGMA serves all levels of government (federal, state, local, tribal), nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and affiliated private sector organizations... The National Grants Management Association (NGMA) supports more than 6,000 professionals across grants management, including supervisory, support, accounting and compliance roles. NGMA provides the education, resources, community and support that professionals need to understand grants management guidance; advance professionally and personally; and expand their network... NGMA has more than 40 Corporate Alliance Partnership Program (CAPP) partners: companies that provide products and services beneficial to grants management professionals. Our CAPP partners support NGMA's mission by offering..
Also known as: National Grants Management Association