Updated 5 days ago
41 College St. Hanover, NH 03755
M2P2 is a vibrant community of approximately 60 members focused on research and training in the areas of microbiology and microbe-host interactions. M2P2 is made up of…...
M2P2 provides graduate students with broad training in areas relating to microbial biology, pathogenesis, microbe-microbe interactions, and microbial association with human hosts. Dartmouth graduate students can become part of the M2P2 program simply by participating in M2P2 activities-nothing else is required!...
Bioinformatics experts run a weekly R club to help students become proficient in programming and computational analyses of datasets. The Genomics Shared Resource and the Trace Metals Core provides customized support for students, post-docs and trainees for their research. In addition, technicians in M2P2 labs play integral roles in many research projects and participate in many M2P2 activities.
Also known as: bioMT