Updated today
- Age: 25 years
- ID: 21536495/136
KIT-Kairos Italy Theater is internationally recognized as the Italian Theater Company in NY. KIT's mission is to spread Italian Culture and to create an Italian Culture Network in order to maintain and spread the knowledge of Italy in the United States. KIT has produced performances and events over the years, collaborating with Off-Off and Off-Broadway theaters and with US Institutions (The Kitchen, The Fringe Festival, the Abrons Art Center, Film Society at Lincoln Center, Dahesh Museum of Art, NY Hall of Science, the Flea Theatre, Theater for the New City, Montclair State University, Suffolk County Community College, the Bernie West Theater at Baruch College, the cell theatre, Access Theater, Cherry Lane Theater just to name a few). Never-before-translated works by major Italian playwrights have been presented to US audiences, who have grown in appreciation and in number since KIT's first production in 1997. KIT has also created the Double Theatre Experience, where One-Act plays are..