Updated 4 days ago
72 Roberts Avenue, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094
Glenoaks is a private remedial and special needs school in Johannesburg that unleashes potential! We nurture academic, functional, social and emotional growth for learners and personalize support according to the needs and strengths of each learner. We create a nurturing and inclusive environment for our learners which is supported by our dedicated, passionate and professional team. We achieve this through innovative adaptation, accommodation, differentiation and individualization for each learner... The school's journey began over fifty years ago in 1969 with Dr Lorna Swartz. She started a small school in Melrose for her daughter, who was regarded as ‘learning disabled'. As word spread, other parents brought their children to Dr Schwartz, and Glenoaks School was born. Glenoaks School was one of the few schools who included learners of differing racial groups. In 1976 the school moved to Orange Grove. In 1981 Glenoaks expanded and moved to our current premises in Kensington. Dr..
Registration numbers: 1976/004580/08 (W)