GLENOAKS - History of Changes

2024-10-30 update website_status OK => IndexPageFetchError
2024-06-20 delete person Angela Pourollis
2024-06-20 delete person Charleen Crous
2024-06-20 delete person Jacki Scott
2024-06-20 delete person Julie Anne Roberts
2024-06-20 delete person Meera Rijhumal
2024-06-20 delete person Mikayla Johnston
2024-06-20 delete person Miranda Rhikotso
2024-06-20 delete person Peta-Lee Levitan
2024-06-20 delete person Sairah Smith
2024-06-20 delete person Sharleen Oberholzer
2024-06-20 insert person Angela Pouroullis
2024-06-20 insert person Cassidy Goosen
2024-06-20 insert person Donna Botha
2024-06-20 insert person Gemma Jones
2024-06-20 insert person Jarrett Abrahams
2024-06-20 insert person Minky Mashalane
2024-06-20 insert person Miranda Rikhotso
2024-06-20 insert person Sharleen Bath
2024-06-20 update person_title Annette Boake: Head of Policies and Accreditation, Grade 4 Teacher, and Senior Phase Afrikaans => Head of Policies and Accreditation, Grade 4 Class Teacher and Deputy Information Officer ( POPIA )
2024-06-20 update person_title Brad Johnson: Head of Intermediate and Senior Phase and Grade 7 Teacher => Head of Intermediate and Senior Phase and Grade 5 Class Teacher
2024-06-20 update person_title Dana Altini: Speech Therapist, Audiologist and Parental Support; THERAPY STAFF Member => THERAPY STAFF Member; Speech and Language Therapist, Audiologist and Parental Support
2024-06-20 update person_title Heather Francis: Academic Support and Learning Support Therapist => English Academic Support and Learning Support Therapist
2024-06-20 update person_title Ivan Leo: Head of Vocational Academy and Academy Year 3 and 5 Teacher => Head of Senior Academy and Academy Year 4 Class Teacher
2024-06-20 update person_title Jodi Edinburg: Occupational Therapist, Academy and GOAL Work Experience Coach => Occupational Therapist and Academy Work Experience Coach
2024-06-20 update person_title Julia Wood: Head of Work Experience, Academy Admin and Marketing Coordinator => Head of Work Experience
2024-06-20 update person_title Karen Jacobs: THERAPY STAFF Member; Audiologist; Speech Therapist => Speech and Language Therapist and Audiologist; THERAPY STAFF Member
2024-06-20 update person_title Kerry Caldeira: School Principal and Information Officer ( POPIA ) => School Principal, Information Officer ( POPIA ) and Grade 5 Maths Teacher
2024-06-20 update person_title Nthabiseng Sekhobo: Head of Classroom Assistants and Facilitators, Goal Intermediate Class Assistant and Head of Aftercare => Head of Assistants and Aftercare and Grade 5 Class Assistant
2024-06-20 update person_title Savannah Karam Almeida: Marketing Coordinator => Head of Marketing and Year 2 Class Teacher
2024-06-20 update person_title Valarie Green: School Secretary; ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Member => ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Member; School Administrator
2023-08-26 delete person Carole-Anne Pitman
2023-08-26 delete person Chiara Hinkley
2023-08-26 delete person Jacki Da Silva
2023-08-26 delete person Jamie Bryant
2023-08-26 insert person Aimee Pool
2023-08-26 insert person Chiara Hinckley
2023-08-26 insert person Jacki Scott
2023-08-26 insert person Jamie van Niekerk
2023-08-26 insert person Miranda Rhikotso
2023-08-26 update person_title Ivan Leo: Head of Vocational Academy and Academy Year 3, 4 and 5 Teacher => Head of Vocational Academy and Academy Year 3 and 5 Teacher
2023-08-26 update person_title Mikayla Johnston: Assistant => Member of the FACILITATORS and ASSISTANTS Team; Foundation Phase Afrikaans Teacher, Grade 7 Art Teacher, Grade 4 Intern Co - Teacher
2023-02-23 delete person Tracey Macartney
2023-02-23 insert person Jenna Feinberg
2023-02-23 update person_title Dana Altini: THERAPY STAFF Member; Audiologist; Speech Therapist => Speech Therapist, Audiologist and Parental Support; THERAPY STAFF Member
2023-02-23 update person_title Nthabiseng Sekhobo: Member of the FACILITATORS and ASSISTANTS Team; Head of Classroom Assistants and Facilitators and Head of Aftercare => Head of Classroom Assistants and Facilitators, Goal Intermediate Class Assistant and Head of Aftercare
2023-01-22 delete person Marisa Mitri
2023-01-22 delete person Vimbai Rudaviro Nyerenyere
2023-01-22 insert person Razina Sali
2023-01-22 update person_title Annette Boake: Head of Policies and Accreditation, Senior Phase Afrikaans Teacher and Grade 7 Teacher => Head of Policies and Accreditation, Grade 4 Teacher, and Senior Phase Afrikaans
2023-01-22 update person_title Jamie Bryant: Computer Teacher => GOAL Junior Class Teacher
2023-01-22 update person_title Meera Rijhumal: Head of Speech and Language Department, Speech Therapist and Audiologist => Head of Speech and Language Department & Learner Support, Speech Therapist and Audiologist
2023-01-22 update person_title Mikayla Johnston: Classroom Assistant => Member of the FACILITATORS and ASSISTANTS Team
2023-01-22 update person_title Peta-Lee Levitan: Head of GOAL Stream, GOAL Junior Class Teacher and Deputy Information Officer ( POPIA ) => Head of GOAL Stream, GOAL Intermediate Class Teacher and Deputy Information Officer ( POPIA )
2023-01-22 update person_title Sharleen Oberholzer: Afrikaans Teacher for Foundation Phase and Intersen Phase, Marketing Coordinator and Deputy Information Officer ( POPIA ) => Marketing Coordinator and Deputy Information Officer
2022-12-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete service_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete service_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete service_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 delete source_ip
2022-12-21 insert address 72 Roberts Avenue, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094
2022-12-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 insert service_pages_linkeddomain
2022-12-21 insert source_ip
2022-12-21 update primary_contact null => 72 Roberts Avenue, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094
2022-05-24 delete person Arlene Kaplan
2022-05-24 delete person Caroline Johnson
2022-05-24 insert person Valarie Green
2022-05-24 update person_title Jacqui Da Silva: Remedial Therapist => Learning Support Therapist
2022-05-24 update person_title Julia Hutcheon: Occupational Therapist => Head of Occupational Therapy Department, Occupational Therapist
2022-05-24 update person_title Tracey Macartney: Speech Therapist and Audiologist and Remedial Therapist => Head of Learning Support Therapy Department, Speech Therapist and Audiologist and Learning Support
2022-03-22 delete person Lezanne Johnson
2022-03-22 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2022-03-22 insert person ANNETTE BOAKE
2022-03-22 insert person MARISA MITRI
2022-03-22 insert phone 700130385
2022-03-22 update person_title ARLENE WILKINSON: Woodcraft Facilitator and Classroom Assistant => Academy Crafts Facilitator and Classroom Assistant
2022-03-22 update person_title Adina Feldman: Grade 5 Teacher => Grade 2 Teacher
2022-03-22 update person_title Peta-Lee Levitan: Head of GOAL Stream and GOAL Senior Teacher => Head of GOAL Stream, GOAL Junior Class Teacher and Deputy Information Officer ( POPIA )
2022-03-22 update person_title Sharleen Oberholzer: Afrikaans Teacher for Foundation and Intersen Phase => Afrikaans Teacher for Foundation and Intersen Phase, Marketing Co - Ordinator and Deputy Information O
2022-03-22 update person_title Stacy Schneider: Grade 4 Teacher and Marketing Co - Ordinator => Grade 3 Teacher and Marketing Co - Ordinator
2022-03-22 update person_title Victoria Campbell: Registered Counselor, Remedial Therapist and GOAL Intermediate Teacher => Registered Counselor, Remedial Therapist and Academy Year 2
2021-12-20 insert person Nicky Forssman
2021-12-20 insert person Sairah Smith
2021-12-20 update person_title Haneline Connoway: Educational Psychologist and Parental Supports => Educational Psychologist and Parental Support
2021-09-08 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-08 delete fax (+27) 11 624 2439
2021-09-08 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-08 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2021-09-08 delete person Caroline Jonker
2021-09-08 delete phone 0861 932 776
2021-09-08 insert person Caroline Johnson
2021-09-08 insert person Jodi Edinburg
2021-09-08 insert phone 1976/004580/08
2021-09-08 insert phone 930016055
2021-09-08 update person_title Cary Leo: Grade 6 Teacher and Enterprise => Grade 6 Teacher
2021-09-08 update person_title Haneline Connoway: Educational Psychologist and Parental Support => Educational Psychologist and Parental Supports
2021-09-08 update person_title Savannah Karam: Grade 5 Teacher => Grade 5 Teacher and Marketing Co - Ordinator
2021-04-25 delete person Heather Maidens
2021-04-25 insert person Candace Wilms
2021-04-25 update person_title Angela Pouroullis: Speech Therapist and Audiologist and Learning Support => Speech Therapist and Learning Support
2021-04-25 update person_title Arlene Wilkinson: Trust Vimbae => Woodcraft Facilitator and Classroom Assistant
2021-04-25 update person_title Bradley Johnson: Head of GOAL Stream => Head of Grade 5, 6 and 7 and Grade 7 Teacher
2021-04-25 update person_title Caroline Jonker: Secretary => School Secretary
2021-04-25 update person_title Dr. Leone Roux: Educational Psychologist => Head of Therapy Department and Educational Psychologist
2021-04-25 update person_title Haneline Connoway: Educational Psychologist => Educational Psychologist and Parental Support
2021-04-25 update person_title Milford Ndlovu: Head of Maintenance and Security => Head of Maintenance, Grounds and Internal Security
2021-04-25 update person_title Nomsa Mbatha: Maintenance => Maintenance and Housekeeping
2021-04-25 update person_title Peta-Lee Levitan: Senior Class Teacher => Head of GOAL Stream, GOAL Senior Teacher
2021-04-25 update person_title Tania Wattam: Remedial Therapist => Head of Foundation Phase and Remedial Therapist
2021-04-25 update person_title Thembi Mbatha: Maintenance => Maintenance and Housekeeping
2021-04-25 update person_title Victoria Campbell: Remedial Therapist and Registered Counselor => Registered Counselor, Remedial Therapist and GOAL Intermediate Teacher
2021-02-01 delete person Bonnie Phillips
2021-02-01 delete person Marisa Mitri
2021-02-01 delete person Monique Myburgh
2021-02-01 delete person Rene Thyssen
2021-02-01 insert person Carlos Mhlongo
2021-02-01 insert person Jamie Bryant
2021-02-01 insert person Sheron Ndlovu
2021-02-01 insert person Tracey Macartney
2021-02-01 update person_title Bradley Johnson: Head of Functional and Vocational Stream / Year 1 Teacher => Head of GOAL Stream
2021-02-01 update person_title Dana Altini: Speech Therapist => Audiologist; Speech Therapist
2021-02-01 update person_title Karen Jacobs: Speech Therapist => Audiologist; Speech Therapist
2020-05-06 delete person Alice Phillips
2020-05-06 delete person Debbie Sanders
2020-05-06 delete person Geneve Henry
2020-05-06 delete person Shirley Diamond
2020-05-06 delete person Tracey McCartney
2020-05-06 insert person Sharleen Oberholzer
2020-05-06 insert person Victoria Campbell
2020-03-05 delete address 72 Roberts Avenue, Kensington Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa 2094
2020-03-05 update primary_contact 72 Roberts Avenue, Kensington Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa 2094 => null
2019-05-28 insert person Geneve Henry
2019-05-28 insert person Jacqui Da Silva
2019-05-28 insert person Julie-Ann Roberts
2019-05-28 insert person Tracey McCartney
2019-05-28 update person_title Marisa Mitri: Head of Senior Phase => Head of Intersen Phase
2019-04-28 delete person Debbie Schmaus
2019-04-28 delete person Inga Gouws
2019-04-28 delete person Kiara Hinkley
2019-04-28 delete person Sandy Greeff
2019-04-28 insert person Chiara Hinkley
2019-04-28 update person_title Adina Feldman: Grade 2 Teacher => Remedial Therapist
2019-04-28 update person_title Marisa Mitri: Head of Functional and Vocational Stream / Year 1 Teacher => Head of Senior Phase
2019-03-28 update person_title Marisa Mitri: Head of Vocational Stream => Head of Functional and Vocational Stream / Year 1 Teacher
2018-12-11 delete person Aneesah Kader
2018-12-11 delete person Nadia Van Zyl
2018-12-11 delete person Tony Bone
2018-12-11 insert person Kiara Hinkley
2018-12-11 update person_title Tania Wattam: Grade 3 Teacher => Head of Foundation Phase / Grade 3 Teacher
2018-05-26 delete person Tracey Macartney
2018-05-26 insert person Dana Altini
2018-04-02 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2018-04-02 delete source_ip
2018-04-02 insert source_ip
2018-02-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-08-22 update website_status Disallowed => OK
2017-08-22 delete source_ip
2017-08-22 insert source_ip
2017-05-28 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2017-05-10 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2017-01-16 delete person Bridge Stream
2016-02-05 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2016-01-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2015-10-18 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-18 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2015-10-18 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2015-08-22 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2015-07-31 update website_status Disallowed => FlippedRobots
2015-06-25 update website_status FlippedRobots => Disallowed
2015-05-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2015-05-02 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2015-05-02 delete alias Glenoaks Primary School Home Page
2015-05-02 insert fax (+27) 11 624 2439
2015-05-02 insert phone (+27) 11 624 1160
2015-04-13 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2015-03-16 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200