Updated 810 days ago
300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 312, Garden City, NY 11530
Located in Garden City, NY, ED-180 is a medical clinic that specializes in treating people with eating disorders. Our firm uses comprehensive neuro-biological, psychological, social, and family-integrated approaches with the help of our experienced doctors. Visit our website to learn more...
Clients may be referred to the ED-180 Program by a current treatment provider who feels a specialized or more intensive level of care is required for effective treatment. The ED-180 Program may also be beneficial to augment their current outpatient care. An example of this would be a client who is doing fairly well with their outpatient team but requires components of the program such as supervised meals. ED-180 also offers programs considered "step-up" that are more intensive approaches but do not require inpatient treatment as well as "step-down" programs for clients being discharged from residential or hospital-based programs.