Rock Rose

Rock Rose types are extremely sensitive and their energy is easily depleted. They can suffer deep anxiety, which may be difficult to release. An ideal choice for bad nights, and for use in a crisis.

Vivien Williamson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Owner, Author & Flower Essences Practioner
Vivien Williamson, the founder of Sun Essences, has always felt a special calling to this work with Flower Essences. For her it is not just work, it is a passionate and meaningful task to produce the best possible product for customers. Vivien lives and works near the pretty seaside town of Cromer, on the Norfolk coast. By a curious quirk of fate it was in Cromer that the world famous Dr. Edward Bach spent several years working on the flower remedies that now bear his name. Feeling that she was walking in Bach's own footsteps Vivien began her love affair with Bach Flower Remedies, which in turn led to the formation of Sun Essences.