Cassandra Errington

Job Titles:
  • Design Team Member
Cassandra holds a Certificate II and III in Horticulture and has over 18 years' hands-on experience in Horticulture and Arboriculture. Cassandra is a multi-skilled team member, assisting both Kylie and Teegan in the design office as well as Jess on site for maintenance visits. What she enjoys most about her role at Sphere is working with likeminded, inspiring, enthusiastic women daily. She also enjoys meeting with clients and resolving their landscaping needs through the solutions the team create, all whilst pursuing her passion for horticulture and being as creative as she can be through the design process. Cassandra's favourite plant is any variety of Eucalyptus - preferably one over 100 years old located in a landscape scene in the middle of a paddock, vineyard or by the river.

Jess Kowalski

Job Titles:
  • Maintenance
Jess has over 3 years' experience in Horticulture and is currently completing her Certificate III at Urrbrae TAFE. She will be fully qualified by mid-2022. Jess has over 15 years' experience in customer service and people management but has chosen to pursue a career in Horticulture and a job that she is truly passionate about and brings her joy. Jess runs the maintenance division at Sphere, supervising the junior staff whilst also staying hands-on in her role. What she enjoys most about working at Sphere is the end result of each maintenance project: witnessing the transformation of a garden and the happiness it brings her clients. Jess takes great pride in everything she does and moments like these bring her immense satisfaction. Jess' favourite plants are anything from the Australian natives category. Everything about natives fascinates her and she loves the opportunity to work in a garden with a native theme.

Kylie Hutt

Job Titles:
  • Director & Lead Designer
Kylie is a multi-award-winning Landscape Designer with more than a decade's experience in garden design and horticulture. Kylie holds a Diploma of Landscape Design and is a proud member of the Master Landscapers of SA. Kylie has significant experience in client consultation, concept development, CAD drawn plans, sustainable gardens, and water wise plantings. Kylie is also experienced in Project Management and Landscape Construction and has a strong background in Garden Maintenance. Kylie is passionate about creating beautiful gardens and seeks to exceed her clients' expectations on every project. She is an active member of the landscaping industry and regularly travels interstate and overseas to stay on top of current design and materials trends and to seek inspiration for her clients' gardens. Kylie has completed master classes with internationally recognised Landscape Designers, including Andy Sturgeon, Fergus Garrett and Andrew Laidlaw. Kylie's favourite plant is the Iris. She loves that it is a romantic and dainty-looking flower yet such a tough plant (the symbolism is powerful here!). Kylie adores the Dutch bulb Iris in particular as it always flowers on her birthday in September. She admires the fact that Irises come in many colours, and with beautiful scents to boot.

Teegan McGilton

Job Titles:
  • Design Team Member
Teegan holds a Landscape Design Diploma and a Bachelor of Visual Art and Design. She supports Kylie and Cassandra in the Sphere design office and also has extensive experience in Horticulture, having worked in garden maintenance roles and within the garden departments of several prominent nurseries. Teegan grew up in the leafy Adelaide Hills and has always had a passion for nature. However, it wasn't until she participated in two back-to back government funded nature restoration projects called The Green Army that her interest in Horticulture really took hold. What Teegan enjoys most about her role is meeting new clients and discussing the vision they see for their garden. She takes great joy in speaking to someone who is passionate and interested in revitalising their garden. Teegan's favourite plant is the Grevillea with its many hybrid forms. It is the type of plant that is both bird and bee attracting, and that is always a positive thing in Teegan's books.