PHARODERMA - Key Persons

Dr May Nakib

Job Titles:
  • Surgeon, Head of Dermatology Department at Ideal
Dr May Nakib a leading Dermato-Surgeon, head of dermatology department at Ideal clinics in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Dr May Nakib is specialized in Micrographic Surgery, Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery, Laser Treatments, Surgical Scars & Acne Treatments

Dr.Nedal Ayoub

Job Titles:
  • Consultant of Dermatology - American Board of the Society of Plastic Medicine - Saudi Board for Dermatology - Arab Board for Dermatology - Jordanian Board

Fayez Abdulbaki

Job Titles:
  • General Surgeon
Fayez Abdulbaki, MD, General Surgeon since 2003, certified as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon from Paris University since 2007. He worked in France -Paris at Rothschild Hospital with Professor M. Mimoun, then at Private Clinics with Dr. C. Kauer, Dr. G. Aiach and Dr. J. M. Faivre. Then he Moved to Saudi Arabia -Jeddah to work as a plastic surgeon in the private sector for Fitiany Clinics. In addition he conducts workshops, which includes training doctors with Allergan/Juvéderm in the GCC.

Fernando Bouffard

Job Titles:
Fernando Bouffard FOUNDER AND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR OF INNOAESTHETICS LABORATORIES Qualified as Pharmacist at the University of Barcelona in 1992 Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, 2001 Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, 2004 Technical guarantor of Interclinic Group Pharmacist Consultant for Gerson Lehrman Group International Deputy Professor in UIME- FUCEME ( Union Internationale de Medicine Esthetique)