Amitabh Chandra - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Admin
  • Co - Founder
  • Economist
  • Member of the Institute of Medicine
  • Professor
Amitabh Chandra is the co-founder of HealthEngine, a healthcare technology company that provides consumers with easy-to-use tools so they can shop for healthcare the way they shop for virtually everything else and gives physicians the ability to differentiate themselves in a dynamic marketplace.

David H. Song

Job Titles:
  • Admin
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery Chief, Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
David H. Song, MD, is an internationally recognized expert in plastic surgery with additional training in…

Dr. Jonathan Weiss - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Admin
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Founder
  • Member of the FOUNDING LEADERSHIP Team
  • Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Health
Dr. Jonathan Weiss is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of HealthEngine, a healthcare technology company providing consumers with a platform to shop for healthcare services the way they shop for virtually every other important purchase. Physician-led and aligned, HealthEngine also uniquely empowers physicians with tools to enable consumers and fellow colleagues to learn more about their clinical practices, while at the same time helping their patients access and choose high-quality care at lower costs. An experienced healthcare entrepreneur who has focused his professional career on partnering with physicians to improve the affordability of high-quality healthcare for consumers, Jonathan has founded and led multiple international and domestic healthcare companies over the last 15 years. Previously he was co-founder, CEO and director of several companies including Nations Healthcare, which was one of the largest diagnostic and surgery centre companies contracted in the United Kingdom to build, staff and manage hospitals diagnosing and treating 300,000 patients annually. Subsequently, Jonathan was co-founder and director of both Endeavour Health and Premier Health Partners, operating in the primary health and obstetric fields respectively throughout the UK and Europe. Jonathan is a medical doctor and has also earned law, business, and economics/policy qualifications. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine and Booth School of Business, having completed an MD and an MBA under Chicago's dual degree program. He was educated as a lawyer, receiving his BA degree from Oxford University, and additionally holds an MSc in Health Economics and Policy from Stanford University and a BA in Government from Harvard University. Jonathan often acts as a director and/or consultant to international companies, including Fortune 100 US insurers and medical management firms; he serves as an elected director on one of the Chancellor's boards at Oxford University; is a non-executive director on behalf of IDTM, a Swedish company with international operations in the sports drug testing industry; and is a Co-opted Trustee of the RMBI elderly care homes portfolio. Jonathan is currently the 2012 Oxford University Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation's Entrepreneur-in-Residence, and similarly served as an Executive-in-Residence at Chicago Booth in London. Through these and other endeavors, Jonathan often mentors alumni and faculty entrepreneurs and business executives through affiliations at universities including Oxford, Harvard, Stanford and the University of Chicago's business programs and venture competitions. In the past 8 years he had led or co-led on more than $500 million in company financing and capital raises. Dr. Jonathan Weiss is Founder and CEO of HealthEngine, a healthcare technology…