Updated 18 days ago
915 Nelson St, Oshawa Ontario, L1H 5N7
If people aren't interested in buying the product you've chosen for your fundraiser, your fundraiser won't be as successful. On the other hand, when people like your fundraising product, then fundraising will be much easier for you and your fundraising volunteers. Our fundraising customers tell us why Halenda's fundraising Pepperoni Stix is easy to sell making them such an excellent choice for fundraising...
Halenda's is committed to offering premium, Canadian-made pepperoni sticks. By fundraising with us, you're not only supporting your organization but also backing a proudly Canadian-owned and operated business...
So why are we so passionate about our fundraising program and the product we offer? It goes right back to our roots, the commitment to our community and to quality healthy food offerings.
Associated domains: halendasfundraising.ca