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16305 NE 87th St, Suite 110 Redmond, WA 98052
Together Center creates access to human services, so people can find help when they need it. Tens of thousands of people from throughout East King County seek services at Together Center, a regional facility. One of the first multi-tenant nonprofit centers in the nation, Together Center works collaboratively to improve efficiencies and to lower barriers to finding help. We build partnerships to meet gaps in services and provide information, referral and other assistance to ensure all people can find help when they need it. Here people find help and services at 20+ essential human service agencies and other critical resources. Our inclusive campus is designed to improve housing stability, promote personal agency, elevate health equity, and deliver essential whole-person support across our community... Our Board is made up of a diverse group of business leaders, community advocates, and non-profit professionals who are all dedicated to the continued stewardship of Together Center as a..
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