Updated 35 days ago
Bavincklaan 7, 1183 AT Amstelveen, the Netherlands
Revo is a Netherlands-based fund and our capital comes from 20+ institutional investors. Our cornerstone investors include IFC (International Finance Corporation), EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), TGIF (Turkish Growth and Innovation Fund) and DEG (the German Development Finance Institution). You can read more in our Fund II announcement... In its business operations Revo Capital stands for ‘good citizenship', positioning itself as a venture capital firm that appreciates long term relations, pursuing sound returns, without thereby striving for specific sustainability objectives. Revo does however have an Environmental & Social (E&S) Policy and an E&S Procedure, thereby committing to avoid investments in portfolio companies that are earmarked by some of its investors as having a material adverse E&S impact. The E&S Procedure prescribes to observe exclusion lists, as maintained by some of our LPs, and to identify and assess material E&S risks in the course of due..
Also known as: Revo Capital