Updated 64 days ago
5904-A Warner Ave. #1354 Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Galli Legal Nursing, Inc. was founded by Cynthia Galli, RN, BSN, CNLCP to provide professional legal nursing services. Ms. Galli is a Certified Nurse Life Care Planner, Legal Nurse Consultant, and Case Manager with a diverse nursing practice. She is experienced in working with attorneys, claims adjusters and other clients and has testified in both civil and workers compensation cases... Galli Legal Nursing, Inc. provides Life Care Planning, Legal Nurse Consulting, and Case Management services for local and nationwide plaintiff and defense clients, insurance companies and others. Utilizing extensive nursing and legal experience, the company is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality service to our clients... Our Legal Nurse Consulting services assist our clients in the discovery of specific medical and nursing facts related to their cases. We can also develop cost projections to use in both civil and workers' compensation cases. We work together with the client to meet..
Also known as: Galli Legal Nursing, Inc.