Updated 18 days ago
- Age: 58 years
- ID: 19565806/138
ELCINA House, 422 Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi, INDIA-110020
ELCINA Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Pvt Ltd - Special Purpose Vehicle, A company formed solely to Develop and Maintain the infrastructure in the Cluster as per guidelines laid by Department of Electronics & IT, Government of India under Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Scheme...
Government of India has created a focused policy for attracting investment, providing incentives, identifying land for manufacturing clusters etc. Electronic Industries Association of India took the early initiative to establish first few Green field clusters under National Electronics Policy 2012 in India. Electronic Industries Association of India believes that this policy will give a major boost to the manufacturing of Electronic Products in India.
Also known as: ELCINA Clusters, ELCINA Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Private Limited, ELCINA Electronics Manufacturing Cluster Pvt. Ltd.