Updated 3 days ago
- Age: 13 years
- ID: 19459243/113
PO Box 23308, San Jose, CA 95153
Chavez Family Vision, Inc. provide scholarships for underserved and deserving youth from farmworker families, first-generation college students, and those requiring assistance to pursue higher education. We prioritize exceptional leadership through volunteerism and academic excellence, with a special emphasis on STEM-related fields of study...
Chavez Family Vision, Inc. envisions a community where nonviolence, volunteerism, and public action create a safe, engaged, just, and empowered society. By leveraging servant leadership and resourcefulness, we strive to enhance the quality of life and inspire individuals to embrace the Chavez Family values, leading to lasting positive change.
Also known as: Chavez Family Vision, Inc., The Chavez Family Vision, Inc.