Updated 20 days ago
Audra Frank Painting 276 Bald Eagle Drive ยท Stewartsville, NJ 08886
AudraFrank Associates LLC filed to do business as Audra Frank Painting, is a full service certified WBE painting company incorporated in New Jersey. We are members of PDCA (Ptg. & Dec. Contractors of America, North Jersey Chapter), an Industry Partner of ASID and members of AIA...
Audra Frank provides superior quality commercial and residential painting and wallpapering. Services include wallpaper removal, plastering, water damage repair and decorative finishes. Commercial maintenance accounts are welcomed. Audra Frank Painting was certified WBE August 3, 2000 and are members in good standing with PDCA (Painting and Decorating Contractors of America)...
Audra Frank Painting specializes in painting, plastering, wallpaper inatallation and decorative painting, including glazing, faux marble and stenciling. Commercial and residential painting service, New York, NY and New Jersey, NJ
Also known as: Audra Frank, Audra Frank Painting, AudraFrank Associates LLC
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