Updated 1 day ago
NO 42, 5TH STREET,PORUR GARDENS PHASE 1 chennai, tamil nadu 600095 india
Mindset is a game-changer for all your real business challenges. We bring you powerful advantages to navigate your technology transformation through our innovation and deep industry knowledge. We treat our clients with at most dedication, be it an individual or an organization, in turn, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition curve. M.I.S.T.S is an upcoming global leader in innovation, digital services, consulting, and cyber security. We try to make a difference by leveraging technology to create a significant impact on everyone on the planet... At Mindset, innovation is not just another word; it is an inbuilt trait within each one of us here. Sharing different ideas and strategies with our clients helps them make their decisions with ease, eventually increasing their business profit... Our management services & custom applications development provide software solutions to increase systems performance, effectively helping organizations improve the profit margin. Technology is..
Also known as: Mindset Software Technologies