Updated 34 days ago
- Age: 40 years
- ID: 18821460/119
1500 41st Avenue, Suite 228, Capitola, CA 95010
Unlike other insurance agencies/brokerages, we are nonprofit owned. CalNonprofits Insurance Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits). This relationship demands that we put your needs first, above generating profits. In fact, the revenue generated through CNIS supports the work of CalNonprofits, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association whose mission is to work to bring the full power of California's nonprofits to strengthening communities... Founded in 1984 as a subsidiary of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits), CalNonprofits Insurance Services was established during a time of diminishing insurance options for nonprofits. One of the driving reasons for establishing the association was to use the collective influence of the sector to secure more stable and quality insurance. We have developed, and are known for, a wide spectrum of services reflecting expertise in both the insurance and nonprofit sectors, our superior..
Also known as: CalNonprofits Insurance, CalNonprofits Insurance Services