Updated 2 days ago
The OutboardLift consists of basically three straps, upper, forward and aft straps connected by tri-joints. The tri-joints will be low on the sides of the motor with the handle on the upper strap. Release the buckle on the forward strap, place the OutboardLift on the engine and bring the forward strap around front of engine, then buckle forward strap. Snug up straps after sliding handle along upper strap to top center. Adjust position on motor according to sketches. Keep tri-joints low on streamlined engines so that the forward and aft straps tightly encircle the lower body of the engine...
In 1989, while cruising in the Caribbean, Wengler watched a fellow cruiser drop an outboard in 26 feet of water while attempting to lift it from his dinghy. This event precipitated the development of the first outboard harness that Wengler patented in 1990. Wengler started sailing on Minnesota inland scows and graduated to ocean going vessels as a student at MIT. Returning to