Updated 68 days ago
P.O. Box 39, Guthrie Center, IA 50115
Guthrie County Abstract Company has provided quality title services for the people of Guthrie County since January 1, 1951. Predecessors include Guthrie County Law and Abstract Company, Sayles and Taylor Abstracters, Foster-Jones Abstract Company, Hasbrouck Abstract Company and Batschelet and Vincent Abstract Company. The original law office building which housed Guthrie County Abstract Company and Taylor Law Firm has now been relocated to the Living History Farms in Des Moines. You can see "Taylor's Law Office" in the recreated 1875 town of Walnut Hill...
We are members of Iowa Title Guaranty, the American Land Title Association and the Iowa Land Title Association (ILTA) and our title plant is Certified by the ILTA.
Also known as: Guthrie County Abstract Company, Inc., Guthrie County Bancshares, Inc.