Updated 75 days ago
PO Box 51336 Durham, NC 27717 USA
we are a global community of public and private sector decision makers, behavioral science researchers, policy analysts, and practitioners with a bold mission to promote the application of rigorous behavioral science research that serve the public interest. we serve as an information hub, and community builder- connecting individuals and organizations through our conferences, spotlight workshops, taskforces, and the publication of newsletters and behavioral science & policy... bspa is a global hub where behavioral scientists, policymakers, and other practitioners interact via conferences, workshops, briefings,and our membership portal. in addition, our membership services facilitate information exchange and collaboration to promote thoughtful application of behavioral science research in ways that serve the public interest. we actively collaborate with a number of behavioral policy oriented organizations and direct our members to their activities and services... the behavioral..
Also known as: behavioral policy, Behavioral Science & Policy Association