Updated 937 days ago
Elby Services is committed to being there for clients even after the device is selected and has been turned on. Successful AAC is an evolving process. Vocabulary needs to be updated, customized, backed up, and monitored (at least from time to time). As clients become more competent with their AAC systems, they may need to switch to more complicated vocabularies and syntax. Regardless of what may pop up, Elby Services wants to be available to help you through it, including training you to do these things for yourself if possible... Elby Services is dedicated to serving the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology needs of the Kalamazoo area community. We seek to enhance communication and function for all people, building bridges that can connect them to relevant and rewarding experiences... Because the abandonment rate is so high for AAC, Elby Services approaches assessment a little differently than some others. At Elby Services, assessment involves a..