Updated 30 days ago
2036 N. Western Ave Chicago, IL 60647
We can provide pickup and drop offs for student's in our coverage area as well as providing transportation to the secretary of state. We also have trained professionals who have expertise in teaching students with reading or writing challenges so they can take the test orally. We have English and Spanish speaking instructors on staff for multi-language instruction... About Us Vision: To be the primary provider for driver education and to develop strategic partnerships that facilitate the provision of driving services for adults and teens. Our Goal: To help our students achieve their license and learn different aspects of driving. Mission: To Educate students to drive defensively by creating safe and responsible drivers. 100% 97% +20000 STUDENTS APPROVED CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION YEARLY GRADUATE STUDENTS Terms and Conditions FAQs Forms and Publications Employment... Nova Driving School | Licensed Driving Training Institute In Several cities of CHICAGO | EVANSTON | NORRIDGE | OAK PARK |..