Alana Dambrot

Experiencing difficulty breastfeeding her daughter led Alana to seek help and evenutally find a passion in supporting others through their infant feeding journeys. Being a mother and bonding with her children through breastfeeding was one of her greatest joys. She is thrilled to be able to help others do the same. Alana is a New Jersey native and a magna cum laude graduate of Vassar College with a BA in Economics. She left her career as a marketing research consultant to focus on raising her three daughters. After benefitting from the parent-to-parent support of La Leche League, Alana became an accredited Leader and continues to serve in this volunteer capacity. She obtained her IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) credential in 2021. Alana is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), US Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) and the NJ Breastfeeding Coailition. When Alana is not working or volunteering with the PTO or Girl Scouts, she enjoys running, hiking, traveling and spending time with her husband, Jonathan, three daughters and her goldendoodle, Ginger.

Anna Spitaleri

Job Titles:
  • Member of the International Lactation Consultant Association
Anna obtained her CLC (Certified Lactation Counselor) certification in 2020 and her IBCLC certification in 2021. Anna has a BS Honors degree in Sports Science from the University of Chichester in England. Anna is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) and the NJ Breastfeeding Coalition. Anna also works with breastfeeding parents and babies at Hoboken University Medical Center. She is also passionate about supporting and encouraging breastfeeding for mother and babies through "Hands Up for Haiti," a humanitarian organization delivering lifesaving healthcare to the sickest and most impoverished people in northern Haiti. Anna enjoys spending time outdoors and spending time with her husband, Paul, their three children and their Labrador, Wellie.

Dana Lauducci

Job Titles:
  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
  • Member of the International Lactation Consultant Association
) has been providing breastfeeding support since 2003. She has been a La Leche League Leader since 2011 and a board certified lactation consultant since 2013. Dana grew up in Shelton, CT and graduated from Boston College with a BS in Human Resource Management and Information Systems. After a 10 year career as a manager with a benefits consulting firm, Dana took a break from the corporate world to raise her children. After a rough start to breastfeeding with her older son, Dana realized the value of good lactation support to get things back on the right track. Dana is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) and the New Jersey Breastfeeding Coalition. Dana is the president of and sings with Masterwork Chorus, is president of the Somerville High School PTO and volunteers with the Somerville High School Marching Band. Dana and her husband, Brian, are the proud parents of two breastfeeding alumni and grandparents to an adorable nursing granddaughter.