Isaac Crockett

Job Titles:
  • Senior Pastor
Before coming to East Lawrence Baptist, Pastor Isaac pastored for over a decade and worked with several church planting teams and church revitalization ministries. He is also a co-host for Stand in the Gap TV and Stand in the Gap Today radio, both are ministries of the American Pastors Network. Isaac has a doctorate in theology from the Theological Seminary of the College of the Open Bible and has also done graduate work in the area of pastoral studies, marriage and family therapy, and social work at Bob Jones Seminary, Evangelical Seminary, and Drexel University College of Medicine. Isaac's wife, Jill, grew up in Lindley, NY. They met at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, and were married in 2004 in Caton, NY Isaac and Jill moved back to Caton, NY, in 2019. They homeschool their 3 children. The Crocketts enjoy kayaking and fishing at Lake Cowanesque as well as hiking the beautiful trails in the Twin Tiers region.