Updated 21 days ago
Columbia Public Schools • 4203 S. Providence Rd., Columbia, MO 65203
Columbia Area Career Center is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities covered under The Americans with Disabilities Act. The objectives are to ensure that students with disabilities function adequately and without discrimination in all aspects of the educational experience. Accessible facilities are available at all training locations. Students with documented disabilities who would like to inquire about the availability of reasonable academic and/or other program related accommodations should contact the Section 504 Liaison, 573-214-3800 ext. 29455... Columbia Area Career Center is a part of the Columbia Public School District and serves the community by providing the following education programs to a variety of ages including, but not limited to, career and technical education, personal enrichment, literacy advancement, workforce development and summer camps... CACC is a part of the Columbia Public School District and serves..