SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE - History of Changes

2025-02-17 delete person Raylene Lackey
2025-02-17 insert person Alexa Ponce
2025-02-17 insert person Ricardo Reyna
2024-11-22 insert otherexecutives Marittza M. Adame
2024-11-22 delete person Maria Emma Trevino
2024-11-22 insert person Lesly Hinojosa
2024-11-22 insert person Marittza M. Adame
2024-09-29 delete person Cristal Duvela Garza
2024-09-29 delete person Guadalupe Cantu
2024-09-29 delete person Jose Rodriguez
2024-09-29 delete person Miroslava Rangel
2024-09-29 insert person Lupita Cantu
2024-09-29 insert person Raylene Lackey
2024-09-29 update person_description Dalinda Gonzalez-Alcantar => Dalinda Gonzalez-Alcantar
2024-09-29 update person_description Victoria Cantú => Victoria Cantú
2024-07-03 delete chairman Rose Benavidez
2024-07-03 delete personal_emails
2024-07-03 delete person Norma Jimenez
2024-07-03 insert person Frank Morris
2024-07-03 insert person Guadalupe Cantu
2024-07-03 insert person Jose Rodriguez
2024-07-03 insert person Maria Emma Trevino
2024-07-03 insert person Trista Castillo
2024-07-03 update person_description Paul R. Rodriguez => Paul R. Rodriguez
2024-07-03 update person_title Dr. Alejo Salinas Jr.: Vice Chair => Chairman Retired Superintendent, Superintendent Emeritus, Hidalgo ISD
2024-07-03 update person_title Paul R. Rodriguez: null => Vice Chair CEO of Valley Land Title Co.
2024-07-03 update person_title Rose Benavidez: Chairman => Member President of Starr County Industrial Foundation
2024-07-03 update person_title Venisa Earhart: Administrative Assistant => Public Information Records Specialist
2024-07-03 update person_title Victoria Cantú: Secretary => Member CEO of Children 's Education Station, LLC
2023-10-02 update person_title Andrew Fish: Administrative Specialist for Board Relations => Board Relations Officer
2023-06-30 delete person Caleb Martinez
2023-04-20 delete person Lucero Andrea Garcia
2023-04-20 insert person Caleb Martinez
2023-01-24 insert person Lucero Andrea Garcia
2022-11-28 delete person Stephany Gonzalez
2022-10-05 delete person Felix Tamayo
2022-10-05 insert person Flores, Jesus A.
2022-10-05 insert person Stephany Gonzalez
2022-10-05 update person_title Martinez, Adriana: Administrative Coordinator => Project Manager
2022-08-11 delete personal_emails
2022-08-11 insert personal_emails
2022-08-11 insert personal_emails
2022-08-11 insert person Felix Tamayo
2022-08-11 insert person Lopez Aguirre
2022-05-19 delete person Rolando Gonzalez Jr.
2022-05-19 insert person Camacho, Jose
2022-05-19 update person_description Gary Gurwitz => Gary Gurwitz
2022-05-19 update person_description Rene Guajardo => Rene Guajardo
2022-05-19 update person_title Rios, Jeannette: Administrative Assistant => Events Manager