Updated 206 days ago
I love yoga! I truly do. I love it for who it has helped me to become and for how I see others transformed. For a long time, I dabbled in yoga. I fit it in where I could, given a super busy schedule as a software development consultant... In 2004, after 14+ years of being a desk/airport-jockey software programmer/consultant, I needed a major change. I was making money, but losing sanity. 2004 was also the year that, after much encouragement from the wise-beyond-years man in my life, we got our first ever dog, Seabiscuit. My life was filled with love, but somehow still empty. I felt called to yoga, not to fill this emptiness, but with the simple sense of being drawn to my mat time and time again. Each time, I practiced, I felt better than when I started - no exceptions. I continue to find this remarkable. No other activity quite compares. These experiences somehow led me to walk away from my job, embrace the unknown and enroll in yoga teacher training. These past 5+ years of teaching..
Also known as: Om Circle Yoga, LLC