MARINE - Key Persons
Job Titles:
- Master of Operational Oceanography ( MOO ) Degree Program Director
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Research Staff / Senior Program Coordinator
- Senior Program Coordinator
Job Titles:
- Environmental Analyst, Philadelphia Water Department
Research interests
I find physical oceanography fascinating because of its diverse and interdisciplinary topics such as the impact of ocean temperature variations on fisheries, sea level rise, sea surface winds and waves, ocean surface currents, sea ice, etc. I seek to understand the interactions between Estuary and Coastal systems. In particular, I am interested in how tidally forced saltwater intrusion in Estuaries during extreme droughts could impact the quality of drinking water. I hope to use a combination of field, lab, and numerical methods in investigating the physical dynamics of Estuary and Coastal systems. I am also interested in how freshwater coming from high-latitude -Arctic and Greenland Ice Sheets could be affecting the North Atlantic circulation and how this would impact our climate.
Chant, R. J. 2002. Secondary flows in a region of flow curvature: relationship with tidal forcing and river discharge. Journal of Geophysical Research. 10.1029/2001JC001082, 21 September.
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student Master of Operational Oceanagraphy
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Glider Technician
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Job Titles:
- Information Technology Manager of Information Technology
- Manager of Information Technology
Job Titles:
- Director of Marine Operations, R / V Captain
- Research Staff / Director of Marine Operations, R / V Captain
Job Titles:
- System Administrator
- Information Technology
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student Master of Operational Oceanagraphy
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Costa Vetriani is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology and a member of the Institute of Institute of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, and the director of the Microbiology Undergraduate Program at Rutgers University. He began his research activity in a clinical microbiology lab and, as a PhD student, he was trained as a prokaryotic molecular geneticist. Since 1996 Costa Vetriani participated either as research or chief scientist in over 20 oceanographic expeditions in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and in the Mediterranean Sea, and dove in the Deep-Submergence Vehicle Alvin many times. Costa Vetriani is a passionate SCUBA diver and underwater photographer. For more information about Costa Vetriani's research, visit the Deep-Sea Microbiology Lab website.
Job Titles:
- Associate Teaching Professor
Dr. Barone is a jointly-appointed Associate Research Professor within the Rutgers University Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences (DMCS), Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT), and Department of Geography. He holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Marine Science and Instructional Technology from Stockton University and a PhD in Physical Geography from Rutgers University. Dr. Barone has over 15 years of experience addressing coastal resilience issues related to beach-dune storm vulnerability, maritime transportation, coastal floodplain mapping, and beneficial use of dredged material. He utilizes spatial data analysis, remote sensing, and coastal modeling techniques to solve complex coastal problems and present solutions to various audiences. Dr. Barone is also a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) and Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP).
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Glider and Marine Engineer
- Research Staff
Job Titles:
- Professor Director, Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory
Bushek, D. and S.K. Allen, Jr. 1996. Host-parasite interactions among broadly distributed populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and the protozoan Perkinsus marinus. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 139:127-141.
My name is David Davis. I was born in Keflavik, Iceland, and raised in Merced, California. I graduated from Georgia State University this spring with a B.S. in geology. While at GSU I was part of a research group that has been participating in the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP). My work focused on trying to identify the links between climate and tectonic changes and how they may have influenced human evolution by analyzing the clays and zeolites from paleolake beds in the East African Rift Valley. During the 2017 and 2018 summers I worked at WHOI, analyzing vanadium isotopes in Martian achondrites and carbonaceous chondrites and eucrites from 4 Vesta. The purpose of this research was to characterize the irradiation history of the early solar system, but also to investigate the production of vanadium in our solar system and to understand how the Earth formed.
Research Interest
I am now an incoming PhD student and I'll be working with Yair. For now, my project will be studying the Earth's marine and atmospheric iodine cycle. I am curious to know if I can use oceanographic methods and the stable isotopes of iodine to elucidate whether Earth's marine-atmospheric iodine cycle is a detectable biosignature and if it is, can I use that data to assess the habitability of other planets and ocean worlds such as Europa, Enceladus, and maybe Mars.
Job Titles:
- Research Programmer
- Research Staff / Research Programmer
Job Titles:
- Research Program Coordinator
- Research Staff / Research Program Coordinator
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Department Administrator
Zhang, P., Haidvogel, D., Powell, E., Klinck, J., Mann, R., Castruccio, F., Munroe, D. 2015. A coupled physical and biological model of larval connectivity in Atlantic surfclams along the Middle Atlantic Bight. Part I: Model development and description. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sci. 153: 38-53. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.033
Job Titles:
- Senior Scientist, Sapphire Energy, Inc
Job Titles:
- Assistant Research Professor
Job Titles:
- Emeritus / Distinguished Professor
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Research Programmer
Job Titles:
- Research Project Assistant
- Research Staff / Research Project Assistant
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Job Titles:
- Master of Operational Oceanography
- Research Project Assistant
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Job Titles:
- Unit Computing Specialist
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student
- Laboratory Researcher
Job Titles:
- Associate Research Professor
Job Titles:
- Postdoctoral Researcher Geochemistry & Paleoclimatology
Job Titles:
- Assistant Research Professor
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Business Specialist
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Research Project Coordinator
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student / Lab Technician
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Assistant
- Staff Associate
Job Titles:
- Research Staff Member
- Administrative Director - Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Facilities Specialist
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Associate Director
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Business Specialist Supervisor
Job Titles:
- Agent, Dept of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Job Titles:
- Principle Chemist at Entegris
Job Titles:
- Graduate Student Master of Operational Oceanography
- Master of Operational Oceanography
Job Titles:
- Associate Research Professor
Job Titles:
- Research Project Assistant
Job Titles:
- Assistant Research Professor
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Senior Administrative Assistant
Job Titles:
- Flow Cytometry Field Application Scientist for ThermoFisher Scientific
Job Titles:
- Researcher, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Job Titles:
- Undergraduate Program Director
Job Titles:
- Administrative Staff Member
- Business Assistant
Job Titles:
- Senior Research Specialist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Job Titles:
- Postdoctoral Researcher Biogeochemistry
Job Titles:
- Postdoctoral Researcher Paleoceanography
Job Titles:
- Graduate Program Director
Job Titles:
- Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University